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ÖNORM B 8115-4

Issue date: 1992 11 01

Sound insulation and room acoustics in building construction - Measures to fulfill the requirements on sound insulation

Die Norm enthält Anleitungen und Beispiele für die Auswahl der Bauteile und Bauteilkombinationen, mit denen - bei entsprechender sorgfältiger Bauausführung - die Anforder...
Withdrawn: 2003 09 01
§ Legal References
Austrian Standards International
Digital | 42 Pages
Currently valid:
Optionally co-design standards:
Die Norm enthält Anleitungen und Beispiele für die Auswahl der Bauteile und Bauteilkombinationen, mit denen - bei entsprechender sorgfältiger Bauausführung - die Anforderungen an den baulichen Schallschutz gemäß ÖNORM B 8115 T 2 eingehalten werden können. Wenn die Anforderungen durch andere Bauteile und Bauteilkombinationen erfüllt werden sollen, ist dies durch Messungen nachzuweisen. Im Hinblick auf die Erfüllung des Schallschutzes durch Maßnahmen bei heizungs- und lüftungstechnischen Anlagen u. dgl. wird auch auf die ÖNORMEN B 8136, M 7636, M 7637, M 7645 und M 7600 Teil 3 verwiesen. Die Norm enthält insbesondere konstruktionsbezogene Hinweise über ein- und mehrschalige Bauteile, über die Stoßstellendämmung, über den Luftschallschutz von Außenwänden, Außendecken, Feuermauern und Wänden gegen Dachböden, über den Schallschutz von Fenstern, Türen und Toren, über den Luft- und den Trittschallschutz im Gebäudeinneren sowie den Schallschutz von haustechnischen Einrichtungen (Installationen, Aufzügen u. dgl.). Drei Anhänge enthalten Beispiele für mehrschalige Trennwände aus biegeweichen Schalen, Beispiele für den Trittschallschutz von Holzbalkendecken sowie ein Rechenbeispiel für benachbarte Räume.
ÖNORM B 8115-4
2003 09 01
Sound insulation and room acoustics in building construction - Part 4: Measures to fulfill the requi...
ÖNORM B 8115-4
1992 11 01
Sound insulation and room acoustics in building construction - Measures to fulfill the requirements ...
ÖNORM B 2218
Issue date : 2000 10 01
Laying of wooden floorings - Works contract
ÖNORM B 2227
Issue date : 2007 12 01
Glazing work - Works contract
ÖNORM B 2232
Issue date : 2007 05 01
Floor topping - Works contract
ÖNORM B 3200
Issue date : 2008 06 01
Clay bricks - Requirements, tests, classification and marking - Complementary requirements to ÖNORM EN 771-1
ÖNORM B 3710
Issue date : 2004 04 01
Flat glass in building - Terms with definitions for types of glass and glass products
ÖNORM B 3714-1
Issue date : 2003 04 01
Plateglass in building - Insulating glass - Part 1: Terms and definitions
ÖNORM B 3850
Issue date : 2006 01 01
Fire resisting doorsets - Hinged and swing doors - Single and double leaf constructions
ÖNORM B 6021
Issue date : 2003 07 01
Materials for thermal and/or acoustic insulation in building construction - Wood wool insulating boards WW and multilayered wood wool boards WW-C
ÖNORM B 6022
Issue date : 2009 02 01
Thermal and/or sound insulating products in building construction - Wood splint boards WS, WSD and wood splint composite boards WS-C, WSD-C
ÖNORM B 6035
Issue date : 2003 07 01
Materials of thermal and/or acoustic insulation in building construction - Bounded mineral wool MW
ÖNORM B 6050
Issue date : 2003 07 01
Materials for thermal and/or acoustic insulation in building construction - Expanded polystyrene particle foam EPS
ÖNORM B 8110-1
Issue date : 2008 01 01
Thermal protection in building construction - Part 1: Requirements for thermal insulation and declaration of thermal protection of buildings/parts of buildings - Heating demand and cooling demand
ÖNORM B 8110-2
Issue date : 2003 07 01
Thermal insulation in building construction - Part 2: Water vapour diffusion and protection against condensation
ÖNORM B 8110-3
Issue date : 1999 12 01
Thermal protection in building construction - Heat storage and solar impact
ÖNORM B 8115-1
Issue date : 2002 02 01
Sound insulation and room acoustics in building construction - Part 1: Definitions and units
ÖNORM B 8115-2
Issue date : 2006 12 01
Sound insulation and room acoustics in building construction - Part 2: Requirements for sound insulation
ÖNORM M 7645
Issue date : 1987 05 01
Ventilation and air conditioning plants; noise reduction
ÖNORM B 2218
Issue date : 2009 12 01
Laying of wooden floorings - Works contract
ÖNORM B 2227
Issue date : 2017 12 01
Glazing work - Contract to provide services
ÖNORM B 2232
Issue date : 2016 12 15
Floor topping - Contract to provide services
ÖNORM B 3002
Issue date : 1996 12 01
Particle boards - Types and requirements
ÖNORM B 3200
Issue date : 2022 06 01
Clay masonry units - Complementary requirements to ÖNORM EN 771-1
ÖNORM B 3206
Issue date : 1996 08 01
Hollow blocks and solid blocks - Requirements and tests - Marking of conformity
ÖNORM B 3208
Issue date : 2005 10 01
Jacket-blocks - Requirements and tests - Marking of conformity
ÖNORM B 3350
Issue date : 2006 01 01
Load bearing and stiffening walls - Calculation and construction
ÖNORM B 3415
Issue date : 2019 11 01
Planning and execution of dry construction works
ÖNORM B 3710
Issue date : 2016 03 15
Glass in building - Terms and definitions for types of glass and glass products
ÖNORM B 3714-1
Issue date : 2003 04 01
Plateglass in building - Insulating glass - Part 1: Terms and definitions
ÖNORM B 3714-2
Issue date : 1984 07 01
Plateglass in building; insulating glass; requirements
ÖNORM B 3850
Issue date : 2023 01 01
Fire resisting doorsets and/or smoke control doorsets - Requirements and tests for single and multiple leaf constructions
ÖNORM B 5306
Issue date : 1990 12 01
Window; terms with definitions
ÖNORM B 6017
Issue date : 1989 03 01
Determination of the air flow resistance of building materials for thermal insulation
ÖNORM B 6021
Issue date : 2003 07 01
Materials for thermal and/or acoustic insulation in building construction - Wood wool insulating boards WW and multilayered wood wool boards WW-C
ÖNORM B 6022
Issue date : 2009 02 01
Thermal and/or sound insulating products in building construction - Wood splint boards WS, WSD and wood splint composite boards WS-C, WSD-C
ÖNORM B 6035
Issue date : 2003 07 01
Materials of thermal and/or acoustic insulation in building construction - Bounded mineral wool MW
ÖNORM B 6050
Issue date : 2003 07 01
Materials for thermal and/or acoustic insulation in building construction - Expanded polystyrene particle foam EPS
ÖNORM B 6110
Issue date : 1998 10 01
External thermal insulating composite systems (ETICS) with rendering based on expanded polystyrene foam EPS-F - Marking of conformity
ÖNORM B 8110-1
Issue date : 2011 11 01
Thermal protection in building construction - Part 1: Declaration for thermal protection of low energy buildings and lowest energy buildings - Heating demand and cooling demand
ÖNORM B 8110-2
Issue date : 2020 01 01
Thermal insulation in building construction - Part 2: Water vapour diffusion, water vapour convection and protection against condensation
ÖNORM B 8110-3
Issue date : 2020 06 01
Thermal protection in building construction - Part 3: Determination of the operating temperature in summer (Prevention of summerly overheating)
ÖNORM B 8115-1
Issue date : 2011 06 01
Sound insulation and room acoustics in building construction - Part 1: Definitions and units
ÖNORM B 8115-2
Issue date : 2021 04 15
Sound insulation and room acoustics in building construction - Part 2: Methodology for the determination of sound insulation levels
ÖNORM M 7636
Issue date : 1983 10 01
Ventilation for residential zones in buildings
ÖNORM M 7637
Issue date : 1987 04 01
Ventilation and air conditioning plants; single ventilations for living areas
ÖNORM M 7645
Issue date : 1987 05 01
Ventilation and air conditioning plants; noise reduction
ÖNORM S 1400
Issue date : 1992 09 01
Textile floor coverings - Terms with definitions, classification, relevant properties
ÖNORM S 5031
Issue date : 1977 03 01
Determination of sound power of noise sources; method in reverberation room
ÖNORM S 5033
Issue date : 1978 12 01
Determination of sound power levels of noise sources; engineering methods for special reverberation test rooms
ÖNORM S 5060
Issue date : 1983 06 01
Determination of sound power of ventilation equipment; in-duct method
ÖNORM S 5100-1
Issue date : 1997 01 01
Test in building acoustics - Airborne sound insulation measurement in buildings
ÖNORM S 5101
Issue date : 1986 11 01
Tests in building acoustics; laboratory measurement of air- and structure borne insulation of building elements
ÖNORM DIN 52218-1
Issue date : 1979 07 01
Tests in building acoustics; laboratory tests on the noise emitted by valves, fittings and equipment in water supply installations; measurement procedure and test arrangement
ÖNORM DIN 52218-2
Issue date : 1979 07 01
Tests in building acoustics; laboratory tests on the noise emitted by valves, fittings and equipment in water supply installations; connection of appliances and test procedure
ÖNORM B 8115-4
Issue date : 2003 09 01
Sound insulation and room acoustics in building construction - Part 4: Measures to fulfill the requirements on sound insulation
Verordnung der Salzburger Landesregierung vom 11. Dezember 1995, mit der die Wohnbauförderungs-Durchführungsverordnung geändert wird
Verordnung der Salzburger Landesregierung vom 28. Februar 1997 zur Bezeichnung von Önormen gemäß § 1 Abs 2 des Bautechnikgesetzes (Önormen-Verordnung 1997)
Verordnung der Salzburger Landesregierung vom 24. Mai 2002 zur Bezeichnung von Önormen gemäß § 1 Abs. 2 des Bautechnikgesetzes (Önormen-Verordnung 2002)
Verordnung der Salzburger Landesregierung vom 13. Februar 2003, mit der die Wohnbauförderungs-Durchführungsverordnung geändert wird
Verordnung der Salzburger Landesregierung vom 6. Juli 1995 zur Bezeichnung von Önormen gemäß § 1 Abs. 2 des Bautechnikgesetzes (Önormen-Verordnung)