NormG 2016

The Austrian Standards Act 2016 (NormG 2016) came into full effect on 1 January 2018 and regulates

  1. the requirements for the granting of authorisation for a standards body pursuant to Article 2 (4);
  2. the procedural provisions, tasks and duties of the standards body;
  3.  the requirements with regard to the appointment of the Standards Advisory Board and the arbitration bodies,
  4. as well as the supervision of the standards body.

Database per Article 8 (3) NORMG 2016

Article 8 NormG 2016 stipulates that the standards body must maintain a database in which all national standards are listed as well as all standards that have been declared binding by Austrian laws or regulations.

Extract from NormG 2016

(3) The standards body must maintain a database that contains:

1. All national standards
2. All standards that have been declared binding by Austrian laws or regulations.

Article 8. (4) The following characteristics must be listed in the database for all standards:

1. the complete title;
2. the number;
3. a summary of the contents;
4. the status of the standard;
5. information as to whether the standard is a purely Austrian, European or international standardisation project and, in the case of purely Austrian standardisation projects, additionally the applicant;
6. in the case of a current standard, whether it is newly published, has been revised in a specific version or is currently being revised;
7. to which technical committee the standardisation project is assigned;
8. the date of entry into force and the date of publication of the standard.

All new standards in work are subject to the same requirements with regards to the above information and must be included in the database.

Article 8. (5) This database must be kept up to date and made accessible free of charge via the internet.

User notes

Under the menu item "Alle ÖNORMEN" you will find purely Austrian ÖNORM standards (ÖNORM A to Z), adopted European standards (ÖNORM EN), adopted international standards (ÖNORM ISO) and adopted foreign standards (e.g. ÖNORM DIN).

Under the menu item "In Rechtstexten zitiert" you will find those standards that are cited in Austrian laws and ordinances by the legislature. This also includes binding standards that must be complied with. The list contains both valid standards and those that were withdrawn after being cited in the Official Journal.

You can use the menu items "Dokumententyp", "Fachgebiet" and "Herausgeber" to further refine and filter your search.

Note: The date of entry into force and the date of publication of the standard are identical.

Free access to ÖNORM standards according to Article 8 (2) NORMG 2016

Austrian Standards offers numerous opportunities to obtain information about ÖNORM standards free of charge:

In our online shop you can research ÖNORM standards around the clock and view a preview with the scope of application.

At Austrian Standards, Heinestrasse 38, 1020 Vienna, you can inspect all ÖNORM standards on site during opening hours.

  • Monday to Thursday: 8am – 3pm
  • Friday: 8am – 1pm

The Austrian provinces also have information centres where you can inspect all ÖNORM standards. You can find an overview of the information centres in our leaflet (PDF - 0.4mb, German only).

Arbitration board

NormG 2016 states that Austrian Standards International must set up an arbitration board that can be called upon when required.

Activity report

Austrian Standards International publishes an annual activity report in accordance with Article 4 (5) NormG 2016. This can be found on the information page about Austrian Standards International.