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ÖNORM L 1089
Issue date: 2014 11 01
Chemical analysis of soils - Extraction of heavy metals by EDTA
This standard is used for the determination of EDTA(Ethylendiamintetraacetat)-extractable heavy metals in soils and applies taking into account the general provisions of ...
§ Legal References
Austrian Standards International
Digital | 7 Pages
Optionally co-design standards:
This standard is used for the determination of EDTA(Ethylendiamintetraacetat)-extractable heavy metals in soils and applies taking into account the general provisions of ÖNORM L 1053. The method determines primarily bound in a complex and at the surface of soil aggregates accreted binding forms of heavy metals. The determined concentrations correlate only partially with the uptake by plants. The possible values allow together with the results of extraction with strong mineral acids (ÖNORM L 1085) and with the results of extraction with salt solutions (ÖNORM L 1094, parts 1-3) a better assessment of contamination. Heavy metals geogenic origin generally with the same total salary show much lower solubility than those of anthropogenic origin.
ÖNORM L 1089
2005 01 01
Chemical analysis of soils - EDTA-extract for the determination of heavy metals
ÖNORM L 1089
1993 11 01
Chemical analysis of soils - Determination of EDTA-extractable Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn
Verordnung des Landeshauptmannes von Steiermark vom 20. Mai 2015, mit der ein Regionalprogramm zum Schutz der Grundwasserkörper Grazer Feld, Leibnitzer Feld und Unteres Murtal erlassen und S