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ÖNORM B 1603
Issue date: 2013 10 01
Accessible facilities for tourism and leisure - Design principles
If the installation of barrier-free facilities for tourism and leisure is intended, the provisions of the present Austrian Standard have to be observed, in combination wi...
§ Legal References
Austrian Standards International
Digital | 22 Pages
Optionally co-design standards:
If the installation of barrier-free facilities for tourism and leisure is intended, the provisions of the present Austrian Standard have to be observed, in combination with those of ÖNORM B 1600 for new buildings, extensions, annexes, retrofittings and rebuildings. The present ÖNORM specifies minimum requirements and basic conditions, exceeding the requirements of ÖNORM B 1600, for the construction, installation and equipment of barrier-free facilities for tourism, such as accommodation facilities, restaurants and catering businesses as well as cultural, leisure and recreation facilities.
Issue date :
1982 06 01
Graphic symbols for public information; symbols 53 to 76
Issue date :
1994 04 01
Visual guiding systems for public information - Orientation supported by directional arrows, graphic symbols, text, light and colour
Issue date :
2005 11 01
Sound insulation and architectural acoustics in building construction - Part 3: Architectural acoustics
Issue date :
2005 05 01
Safety rules for the construction and installations of lifts - Particular applications for passenger and good passengers lifts - Part 70: Accessibility to lifts for persons including persons with disability (consolidated version)
Issue date :
2003 06 01
Technical aids for visually impaired and blind persons - Tactile ground surface indicators - Part 1: For pavements in buildings and in the public area at speeds not higher than 80 km/h
Issue date :
2012 05 01
Technical aids for visually impaired and blind persons - Portable transmitters for the activation of auxiliary equipment for disabled persons
Issue date :
2011 11 01
Technical aids for visually impaired and blind persons - Tactile inscriptions and information systems
Issue date :
2007 09 01
Electroacoustics - Hearing aids - Part 4: Induction loop systems for hearing aid purposes - Magnetic field strength (IEC 60118-4:2006)
Issue date :
2013 05 01
Electroacoustics - Hearing aids - Part 4: Induction loop systems for hearing aid purposes - System performance requirements (IEC 29/797/CDV)
Issue date :
1982 06 01
Graphic symbols for public information; symbols 53 to 76
Issue date :
2023 07 01
Sound insulation and room acoustics in building construction - Part 3: Architectural acoustics
Issue date :
2022 11 01
Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts - Particular applications for passenger and goods passenger lift - Part 70: Accessibility to lifts for persons including persons with disability
Issue date :
2003 06 01
Technical aids for visually impaired and blind persons - Tactile ground surface indicators - Part 1: For pavements in buildings and in the public area at speeds not higher than 80 km/h
Issue date :
2020 03 01
Remote activation options for acoustics and tactile signals and informations - Technic aids for partially sighted and blind people
Issue date :
2011 11 01
Technical aids for visually impaired and blind persons - Tactile inscriptions and information systems
Issue date :
2015 12 01
Electroacoustics - Hearing aids -- Part 4: Induction-loop systems for hearing aid purposes - System performance requirements (IEC 60118-4:2014) (english version)
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Kundmachung des Bundesministers für Wisssenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft mit der Normenverzeichnisse für die Sicherheit von Aufzügen und von Sicherheitsbauteilen für Aufzüge aktualisiert