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ÖNORM L 1061-2

Issue date: 2002 02 01

Physical analysis of soils - Determination of particle size distribution in mineral soils - Part 2: Fine soil

Diese ÖNORM ist für die Bestimmung der Masseanteile von Korngrößenklassen des Mineralbodens mit Korngrößen < 2 mm anzuwenden. Die Masseanteile des Feinbodens umfassen die...
Withdrawn: 2019 03 01
§ Legal References
Diese ÖNORM ist für die Bestimmung der Masseanteile von Korngrößenklassen des Mineralbodens mit Korngrößen < 2 mm anzuwenden. Die Masseanteile des Feinbodens umfassen die Korngrößenklassen Sand (S), Schluff (U) und Ton (T). Diese Methode ist bis zu einem Masseanteil an Humus von 5 % ohne Humuszerstörung anwendbar. Bei einem Masseanteil zwischen 5 % und 15 % kann je nach Fragestellung und Boden eine Humuszerstörung erforderlich sein.
ÖNORM L 1061-2
2019 03 01
Physical analysis of soils - Determination of particle size distribution in mineral soils used for a...
ÖNORM L 1061-2
2002 02 01
Physical analysis of soils - Determination of particle size distribution in mineral soils - Part 2: ...
ÖNORM L 1061
1988 09 01
Physical investigations of soil; determination of grain size distribution of soils less than 2 mm pa...
ÖNORM L 1050
Issue date : 2004 07 01
Soil as plant site - Definitions and test methods
ÖNORM L 1054
Issue date : 2004 07 01
Sampling of soils - General considerations, terminology
ÖNORM L 1055
Issue date : 2004 07 01
Sampling of arable soil
ÖNORM L 1056
Issue date : 2004 07 01
Sampling of grassland (including parks and green areas)
ÖNORM L 1057
Issue date : 2004 07 01
Sampling of soils for vineyards and fruit growing and nursery soils
ÖNORM L 1058
Issue date : 2004 07 01
Sampling of soils under protected cultivation, growing media and nutrient solutions
ÖNORM L 1059
Issue date : 2004 07 01
Sampling of forest soils
ÖNORM L 1061-1
Issue date : 2002 02 01
Physical analysis of soils - Determination of particle size distribution in mineral soils - Part 1: Coarse soil
ÖNORM L 1080
Issue date : 1999 04 01
Chemical analyses of soils - Determination of organic carbon by dry combustion
ÖNORM L 1081
Issue date : 1999 04 01
Chemical analyses of soils - Determination of organic carbon by wet combustion
ÖNORM L 1050
Issue date : 2016 03 15
Soil as plant site - Terms, definitions and test methods
ÖNORM L 1054
Issue date : 2023 11 15
Sampling of soils – General, terminology
ÖNORM L 1055
Issue date : 2023 11 15
Analyses of soils - Sampling without maintaining the soil structure
ÖNORM L 1056
Issue date : 2004 07 01
Sampling of grassland (including parks and green areas)
ÖNORM L 1057
Issue date : 2004 07 01
Sampling of soils for vineyards and fruit growing and nursery soils
ÖNORM L 1058
Issue date : 2004 07 01
Sampling of soils under protected cultivation, growing media and nutrient solutions
ÖNORM L 1059
Issue date : 2004 07 01
Sampling of forest soils
ÖNORM L 1061-1
Issue date : 2019 03 01
Physical analysis of soils - Determination of particle size distribution in mineral soils used for agriculture and forestry - Part 1: Coarse soil
ÖNORM L 1080
Issue date : 2021 12 15
Soil and waste properties - Determination of organic carbon and humus content by dry combustion taking into account carbonates and elemental carbon
ÖNORM L 1081
Issue date : 2010 03 01
Chemical analyses of soils - Determination of organic carbon by wet oxidation
DIN ISO 3310-1
Issue date : 2017 11
Test sieves - Technical requirements and testing - Part 1: Test sieves of metal wire cloth (ISO 3310-1:2016)
ÖNORM L 1061-2
Issue date : 2019 03 01
Physical analysis of soils - Determination of particle size distribution in mineral soils used for agriculture and forestry - Part 2: Fine soil
Verordnung des Landeshauptmannes von Steiermark vom 20. Mai 2015, mit der ein Regionalprogramm zum Schutz der Grundwasserkörper Grazer Feld, Leibnitzer Feld und Unteres Murtal erlassen und S
Änderung der NÖ Klärschlammverordnung - 5. Novelle