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Issue date: 1987 08 01

Petroleum products; determination of flash-point; Abel-Pensky closed tester

This European Standard describes a method for the determination of the flash point of petroleum products and other liquids flashing above + 5 °C and below + 65 °C by the...
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Austrian Standards International
Digital | 9 Pages
German | English | Download GER/ENG
This European Standard describes a method for the determination of the flash point of petroleum products and other liquids flashing above + 5 °C and below + 65 °C by the use of the Abel-Pensky apparatus. The test method can be used as described below + 5 °C; in this case, however, substantially larger precision ranges than stated in 9.3 are to be expected. In some European countries the range over which the Abel-Pensky method is pemitted to be used is regulated by domestic legislation. In those cases, provided the legal range is within the above limits, it is permissible to add a note to this clause stating the restricted range applicable. The method described is not suitable for viscous or non-homogeneous mixtures or solutions such as lacquers, paints or adhesives Among other characteristics, the flash point is a criterion of the flammability of combustible liquids if ignited by a flame, and for that reason offers an aid for judging the danger of those liquids with respect to explosiveness or flammability. Classifications of combustible liquids in different danger classes for transporting and storing purposes are based on their flash points. In some cases the determination of the flash point enables contamination to be detected.
1987 08 01
Petroleum products; determination of flash-point; Abel-Pensky closed tester
ÖNORM C 1121
1957 12 05
Prüfung von Mineralölprodukten; Flammpunkt nach Abel-Pensky
ÖNORM C 1111
1951 11 20
Flüssige Treibstoffe; Prüfung
ÖNORM C 1111
1934 08 15
Flüssige Brennstoffe; Prüfung 1. Folge
Verordnung des Bundesministers für wirtschaftliche Angelegenheiten über die Bewilligungspflicht der Ausfuhr sowie die Überlassung oder die Vermittlung von Waren im Zollausland
Verordnung des Bundesministers für wirtschaftliche Angelegenheiten über die Bewilligungspflicht der Ausfuhr sowie die Überlassung oder die Vermittlung von Waren im Zollausland