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ÖNORM EN 326-2
Issue date: 2006 10 01
Wood-based panels - Sampling, cutting and inspection - Part 2: Quality control in the factory (consolidated version)
This European Standard specifies methods for both factory production control and external control of
conformity of the properties of wood-based panels with the relevant ...
Withdrawn: 2010 12 15
§ Legal References
Austrian Standards International
Digital | 37 Pages
| English
Currently valid:
Optionally co-design standards:
This European Standard specifies methods for both factory production control and external control of
conformity of the properties of wood-based panels with the relevant EN specifications. However, it may also
apply, at the option of the manufacturer, to wood-based panels applied for non-construction purposes.
This European Standard is not applicable for the assessment of conformity with specifications of the properties of panels comprised in consignments. In such cases, EN 326-3 applies.
For factory production control, if required, methods for the assessment of conformity of batches and of production over longer periods are given.
For external control, if required, methods for the initial nspection of a factory and initial type testing of a product, and for the surveillance of the factory production control, are given.
In this standard, control is based on the testing of small test pieces.
ÖNORM EN 326-2
2014 09 15
Wood-based panels - Sampling, cutting and inspection - Part 2: Initial type testing and factory prod...
ÖNORM EN 326-2
2010 12 15
Wood-based panels - Sampling, cutting and inspection - Part 2: Initial type testing and factory prod...
ÖNORM EN 326-2
2006 10 01
Wood-based panels - Sampling, cutting and inspection - Part 2: Quality control in the factory (conso...
ÖNORM EN 326-2
2000 11 01
Wood-based panels - Sampling, cutting and inspection - Part 2: Quality control in the factory
Issue date :
1980 02 01
Statistical interpretation of test results — Estimation of the mean — Confidence interval
Issue date :
2005 12 01
Wood-based panels - Sampling, cutting and inspection - Part 1: Sampling and cutting of test pieces and expression of test results
Issue date :
2004 02 01
Wood-based panels - Sampling, cutting and inspection - Part 3: Inspection of an isolated lot of panels
Issue date :
1980 02 01
Statistical interpretation of test results — Estimation of the mean — Confidence interval
Issue date :
1989 08 31
Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes — Part 1: Sampling plans indexed by acceptable quality level (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection
Issue date :
2010 12 15
Wood-based panels - Sampling, cutting and inspection - Part 2: Initial type testing and factory production control