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ÖNORM B 3355-2

Issue date: 1995 10 01

Dehumidification of masonry - Procedure against rising humidity in masonry

Diese Norm gilt für alle Maßnahmen an bestehendem Mauerwerk, die der Verhinderung oder Begrenzung des kapillaren Aufsteigens von Feuchtigkeit dienen. Es werden die versch...
Withdrawn: 1999 06 01
Diese Norm gilt für alle Maßnahmen an bestehendem Mauerwerk, die der Verhinderung oder Begrenzung des kapillaren Aufsteigens von Feuchtigkeit dienen. Es werden die verschiedenen Verfahrensgruppen und deren Anwendung beschrieben.
ÖNORM B 3355
2017 03 01
Dehumidification of masonry - Structure diagnosis, planning principles, execution and monitoring
ÖNORM B 3355-2
2011 01 15
Dehumidification of masonry - Part 2: Procedure against rising humidity in masonry
ÖNORM B 3355-2
2006 03 01
Dehumidification of masonry - Part 2: Procedure against rising humidity in masonry
ÖNORM B 3355-2
1999 06 01
Dehumidification of masonry - Procedure against rising humidity in masonry
ÖNORM B 3355-2
1995 10 01
Dehumidification of masonry - Procedure against rising humidity in masonry
ÖNORM B 3355-1
Issue date : 2006 03 01
Dehumidification of masonry - Part 1: Building diagnostics and planning principles
ÖNORM B 3355-3
Issue date : 2006 03 01
Dehumidification of masonry - Part 3: Accompanying procedures
ÖNORM B 3355-1
Issue date : 2011 01 15
Dehumidification of masonry - Part 1: Building diagnostics and planning principles
ÖNORM B 3355-3
Issue date : 2011 01 15
Dehumidification of masonry - Part 3: Accompanying procedures
ÖNORM B 3355-2
Issue date : 1999 06 01
Dehumidification of masonry - Procedure against rising humidity in masonry