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ÖNORM B 2280

Issue date: 1989 02 01

Buttressing works; contract for material and labour

Diese ÖNORM enthält in Abschnitt 1 Verfahrensbestimmungen insbesondere für die Ausschreibung und die Erstellung von Angeboten für Verbauarbeiten. Der Abschnitt 2 enthält ...
Withdrawn: 2001 03 01
Diese ÖNORM enthält in Abschnitt 1 Verfahrensbestimmungen insbesondere für die Ausschreibung und die Erstellung von Angeboten für Verbauarbeiten. Der Abschnitt 2 enthält Vertragsbestimmungen für Verbauarbeiten, welche gemeinsam mit den Bestimmungen der ÖNORMEN A 2060 und B 2110 sowie mit den in der Ausschreibung anzuführenden Normen technischen Inhaltes und den besonderen Vertragsbestimmungen für ein konkretes Bauvorhaben Rechte und Pflichten der Vertragspartner bei der Durchführung von Verbauarbeiten regeln. In Abschnitt 2 werden auch Richtlinien für die Ausführung von Verbauarbeiten gegeben. Es werden die waagrechten Verbaue, lotrechten Verbaue, Verbaue mit Spundbohlen, Verbaue mit Trägerbohlwänden sowie das ordnungsgemäße Entfernen der Verbaue behandelt.
ÖNORM B 2280
2001 03 01
Buttressing works - Works contract
ÖNORM B 2280
1989 02 01
Buttressing works; contract for material and labour
ÖNORM A 2050
Issue date : 2006 11 01
Procurement of works, services and supplies - Notices, tenders and award of contract - Procedural standard
ÖNORM A 2060
Issue date : 2002 06 01
General conditions for contracts - Works contract
ÖNORM B 2061
Issue date : 1999 09 01
Determination of price in building and construction - General principles
ÖNORM B 2062
Issue date : 1996 09 01
Drafting (and layout) of standardized specifications for delivery (of material and labour) based on automatic data processing techniques - Process standard
ÖNORM B 2063
Issue date : 1996 09 01
Open tendering, offer and works contract based on automatic data processing techniques - Process standard
ÖNORM B 2110
Issue date : 2009 01 01
General conditions of contract for works of building and civil engineering construction - Works contract
ÖNORM B 2111
Issue date : 2007 05 01
Conversion of variable prices of construction works - Works contract
ÖNORM B 2114
Issue date : 1996 09 01
Conditions for computer aided calculations of quantities and certificates for building and civil engineering construction - Works contract
ÖNORM B 2205
Issue date : 2000 11 01
Earthworks - Works contract
ÖNORM B 2503
Issue date : 2009 03 15
Drain and sewer systems - Supplementary specifications for design, construction and testing
ÖNORM B 4100-2
Issue date : 2004 03 01
Timber structures - Part 2: Design and construction
ÖNORM A 2050
Issue date : 2006 11 01
Procurement of works, services and supplies - Notices, tenders and award of contract - Procedural standard
ÖNORM A 2060
Issue date : 2023 05 01
General conditions of contracts to provide services - Contract standard
ÖNORM B 2061
Issue date : 2020 05 01
Determination of price in building and construction - General principles
ÖNORM B 2062
Issue date : 1996 09 01
Drafting (and layout) of standardized specifications for delivery (of material and labour) based on automatic data processing techniques - Process standard
ÖNORM B 2063
Issue date : 1996 09 01
Open tendering, offer and works contract based on automatic data processing techniques - Process standard
ÖNORM B 2110
Issue date : 2023 05 01
General conditions of contract for works of building and civil engineering construction - Contract to provide services
ÖNORM B 2111
Issue date : 2007 05 01
Conversion of variable prices of construction works - Works contract
ÖNORM B 2112
Issue date : 1990 04 01
Conditions for day work in Building and Civil Engineering (Construction); works contract
ÖNORM B 2113
Issue date : 1990 04 01
Conditions for supply of equipment in Building and Civil Engineering (Construction); works contract
ÖNORM B 2114
Issue date : 1996 09 01
Conditions for computer aided calculations of quantities and certificates for building and civil engineering construction - Works contract
ÖNORM B 2203
Issue date : 1994 10 01
Underground works - Works contract
ÖNORM B 2205
Issue date : 2022 09 15
Earthworks - Contract to provide services
ÖNORM B 2503
Issue date : 2017 11 01
Drain and sewer systems - Design, construction, testing, operation - Complementary provisions concering ÖNORM EN 476, ÖNORM EN 752 and ÖNORM EN 1610
ÖNORM B 2538-2
Issue date : 1987 03 01
Long-distance and district-supply pipelines in water supply systems; pipe-laying and testing for leaks
ÖNORM B 3307
Issue date : 1985 05 01
Ready-mixed concrete
ÖNORM B 4100-2
Issue date : 2004 03 01
Timber structures - Part 2: Design and construction
ÖNORM B 4200-10
Issue date : 1996 07 01
Concrete - Production, applicability and verification of quality
ÖNORM M 3116
Issue date : 1980 03 01
Steels for general structural purposes; quality specifications
ÖNORM B 2280
Issue date : 2001 03 01
Buttressing works - Works contract