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ÖNORM B 2210
Issue date: 2001 07 01
Plastering works - Works contract
Diese ÖNORM enthält Verfahrens- und Vertragsbestimmungen für die Ausführung von Putz- und Stuckaturarbeiten sowie von Verkleidungen mit Gipskartonplatten (Trockenputze). ...
Withdrawn: 2009 08 01
Austrian Standards International
Digital | 11 Pages
Currently valid:
Optionally co-design standards:
Planning & implementation of construction projects, Masonry, Masonry
Planning & implementation of construction projects, Procurement and contracting including building economy, Contractual aspects
Planning & implementation of construction projects, Building construction, Contractual aspects
Services & management, Procurement and contracting including building economy, Contractual aspects
Diese ÖNORM enthält Verfahrens- und Vertragsbestimmungen für die Ausführung von Putz- und Stuckaturarbeiten sowie von Verkleidungen mit Gipskartonplatten (Trockenputze). Diese Vertragsbestimmungen regeln gemeinsam mit der ÖNORM B 2110 oder B 2117 die Rechte und Pflichten der Auftraggeber und Auftragnehmer. Im Sinne der ÖNORM A 2050 oder A 2051 sind die Bestimmungen dieser ÖNORM jeweils bereits bei den Ausschreibungen und den Angeboten zu berücksichtigen. Nicht zu Putzarbeiten im Sinne dieser ÖNORM zählen Oberflächenbehandlungen von Bauteilen mit Glätt- und Ausgleichsmassen, Anstrichen, Beschichtungen sowie Arbeiten im Zusammenhang mit sonstigen Verkleidungen.
Issue date :
2006 11 01
Procurement of works, services and supplies - Notices, tenders and award of contract - Procedural standard
Issue date :
1999 09 01
Determination of price in building and construction - General principles
Issue date :
2009 01 01
General conditions of contract for works of building and civil engineering construction - Works contract
Issue date :
2007 05 01
Conversion of variable prices of construction works - Works contract
Issue date :
2006 07 01
Rendering and plastering mortar - Rules for use and processing - Complementary provisions to ÖNORM EN 13914-1 and -2
Issue date :
2006 06 01
Tolerances in building construction - Buildings (DIN 18202:2005)
Issue date :
2006 11 01
Procurement of works, services and supplies - Notices, tenders and award of contract - Procedural standard
Issue date :
2005 05 01
Procurement of works in the water, energy and transport sectors as well as for postal services - Notices, tenders and award of contract - Procedural standard
Issue date :
2020 05 01
Determination of price in building and construction - General principles
Issue date :
1996 09 01
Drafting (and layout) of standardized specifications for delivery (of material and labour) based on automatic data processing techniques - Process standard
Issue date :
1996 09 01
Open tendering, offer and works contract based on automatic data processing techniques - Process standard
Issue date :
2023 05 01
General conditions of contract for works of building and civil engineering construction - Contract to provide services
Issue date :
2007 05 01
Conversion of variable prices of construction works - Works contract
Issue date :
1996 09 01
Conditions for computer aided calculations of quantities and certificates for building and civil engineering construction - Works contract
Issue date :
2002 04 01
General terms of contract for the execution of construction works on roads as well as for the connected landscape-engineering - Works contract
Issue date :
2019 03 15
Rendering and plastering mortar - Rules for use and processing