Circular economy officer

Circular economy officers certified in accordance with ISO 59004 pursue a combination of environmental and economic objectives based on a sustainable approach.

By gaining certification as a circular economy officer, you demonstrate that you have extensive knowledge of the principles and regulatory framework relevant to the circular economy and can help your organisation promote reuse and recycling.

How your certification will benefit you personally

  • 1
    Your expertise in the field of circular economy and sustainability is objectively verified.
  • 2
    You gain a competitive edge on the job market.
  • 3
    You confirm that your qualification is up to date based on regular reviews (recertification).

Initial certification

€780 (including 20% VAT)*
€650 (excluding 20% VAT)*
  • Prerequisite: Relevant further training (at least 24 hours) or two years of relevant professional experience
  • Oral examination with presentation and knowledge check
  • The certificate is valid for three years
Register by email now


€310.80 (including 20% VAT)*
€259 (excluding 20% VAT)*
  • Prerequisite: Supporting documents showing relevant further training (at least 24 hours) and job description
  • Three-year certificate extension
Register now

Please see the certification programme (only in German) for further information on content, testing and assessment

Our training and development partner

* Prices subject to change