Customer contact centres

ISO 18295 certification for customer contact centres (call centres)

Your customer contact centre is the first impression people get of your company and serves as your direct channel of communication to your customers.

ISO 18295 is the internationally recognised standard that has been created for this type of service. The standard sets out requirements for customer contact centres, with a focus on quality.

How this certification will benefit you

  • 1
    The certification helps you organise your call centre's structures in a more efficient manner.
  • 2
    It sets you apart from your competitors.
  • 3
    It makes it easier to participate in tendering processes.
  • 4
    Your customers can feel confident knowing that the service they are receiving is of the best quality.
  • 5
    The risk of complaints is minimised.

Please see the certification scheme (only in German) for further information on content and the examination and assessment process.

Want to find out more about the certification?

Please send us your contact details – we'd be happy to assist you!