A group of people sit at a table with laptops and exchange ideas.

Dialogforum Bau Österreich

Working together for clear and simple building rules

The "Dialogforum Bau Österreich – gemeinsam für klare und einfache Bauregeln" (Austria Construction Dialogue – Working together for clear and simple building rules) was set up at the start of 2016 by Austrian Standards and the Construction Agency of the Austrian Economic Chamber.

The initiative is a successful example of deregulation. Instead of offering blanket criticism against building rules, tangible solutions are devised – by specialists who develop building rules and those who use them.

  • Do you want to know what is happening right now in the Dialogforum Bau Österreich?
  • Would you like to propose an improvement yourself?
An initiative by

The goals

Simplify building rules (laws, guidelines, ÖNORM standards)

Reduce costs

Make improvements

Increase planning certainty

Reduce liability risks

Promote innovation

6th construction industry 'Baustammtisch' conference

Round table: How to close the environmental and economic building cycle
A group of people applaud in an auditorium.

More about Dialogforum Bau Österreich

The Dialogforum Bau Österreich is supported by numerous organisations. They work together to develop building rules which help to make work safe, to save money, to make decisions simpler and to improve the building outcome.

The Dialogforum Bau Österreich is supported by:

  • Unfallversicherungsanstalt (AUVA) Central Office
  • Office of the Federal Government of Lower Austria
  • Architekt Baumeister Dipl.-Ing. Roland POPP
  • Federal Monuments Authority
  • Federal Monuments Authority Mauerbach Charterhouse
  • Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft mbH (BIG)
  • Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy
  • Fachverband der Bauindustrie
  • Fachverband der Stein- und keramischen Industrie
  • Gfrerer Isolierwerk GesmbH
  • Glanznig Bau GmbH
  • H. Ploberger GmbH Flachdächer-Spenglerei
  • Höller-Fliesen Inh. Andreas Höller
  • Isolierungen Hans Springinsfeld GesmbH Hans-Peter und Karin Springinsfeld
  • Kern + Ingenieure ZT GmbH Consulting Engineers for Civil Engineering
  • Kovar & Partners GmbH
  • Vienna Construction Guild
  • Lukas Lang Building Technologies GmbH
  • Municipal Department of the City of Vienna Construction and Technology Division
  • ÖHGB Österr. Haus- und Grundbesitzerbund
  • Österr. Verband gemeinnütziger Bauvereinigungen - Revisionsverband
  • Österreichischer Städtebund
  • Austrian Institute of Construction Engineering (OIB)
  • PRIEBERNIG, WIND + Partner ZT GmbH Architects + Engineers
  • Projektbau Planung Projektmanagement Bauleitung GesmbH
  • Sachverständigenverband
  • SOZIALBAU Gemeinnützige Wohnungs AG
  • City of Vienna Building Inspectorate
  • Dipl.-Ing. Reinhold Steinmaurer
  • Swietelsky AG
  • TU Wien Institute of Materials Science and Technology
  • TU Wien Institute of Building and Industrial Construction
  • Ute Reinprecht
  • Verband der Baustoffhändler Österreichs (VBÖ)
  • Werner Linhart GmbH
  • Austrian Economic Chamber
  • Austrian Economic Chamber / Legal Policy Department
  • Austrian Economic Chamber / Ancillary Construction Trade Federal Guild Group
  • Austrian Economic Chamber / Federal Construction Guild
  • Zentralverband Haus und Eigentum

The Dialogforum Bau Österreich works on simplifying building rules in five areas.

1 Changing standards
Aim: Implement suggestions and critical reflection
Lead: Austrian Standards

2 Further developing standardisation
Aim: Systematic and sustainable improvements
Lead: Austrian Standards

3 Solving the problem of parallel standards
Aim: Horizontal harmonisation
Lead: OIB – Austrian Institute of Construction Engineering

4 Review and amendment of construction-relevant regulations
Aim: Engagement of the federal government and provincial governments; review at a parliamentary level
Lead: GS Bau, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber; Ancillary Construction Trade Federal Guild

5 Liability regulations
Aim: Adapt the legal situation
Lead: GS Bau, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber; Ancillary Construction Trade Federal Guild; Stone and Ceramics Association

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3rd 'Baustammtisch' Meeting | 4 May 2022
Demolition or renovation – what is really more sustainable?
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4th Annual Conference for Construction Law and Construction Standards | 24 November 2021
Greening of the construction sector is feasible
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2nd 'Baustammtisch' Meeting| 6 October 2021
Sustainable construction requires know-how and true-cost pricing
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1st 'Baustammtisch' Conference | 7 April 2021
En route to the BIM library: ensuring that BIM doesn't become a Tower of Babel
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3rd Annual Conference for Construction Law and Construction | 24 November 2020
Entering a new age – how external influences are affecting the building trade
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2nd Annual Conference for Construction Law and Construction | 5 December 2019
Solutions for the problem of building costs, questions of liability and the application of building rules
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We look forward to your input

Join the Dialogforum Bau Österreich: Subscribe to the newsletter and/or contribute your own practical experience to simplify building rules.