A soap bubble floats above tall grass and shows an ephemeral spectacle of nature.

Expert Talks 2024
Circular Economy

How the circular economy runs smoothly thanks to standards

24 September 2024 | 9:00 am to 1:30 pm | Hybrid: Austrian Standards (Heinestrasse 38, 1020 Vienna) or live stream

A functioning circular economy is not only key for achieving climate and environmental protection goals but it also opens up new economic prospects thanks to innovative solutions and business models.

Standards play a key role in working towards an efficient circular economy and support the transformation. They may offer a methodological basis for achieving the regulatory aims while promoting innovation and bolstering trust. It is important that standards take greater account of the dynamic principles of the circular economy and aspects such as reuse, repair and recycling.

The entire value chain of products and services has to be rethought and this ultimately gives rise to new beginnings.

The Expert Talks on 24 September 2024 are intended as a meeting place for the community and offer interested decision-makers from the worlds business, politics, science and design the opportunity to share ideas. Make the most of the wide range of keynotes, in-depth insights and round tables. The hybrid specialist conference is being hosted by Austrian Standards together with Circular Economy Forum Austria.

The motto is: how the circular economy runs smoothly thanks to standards.

Participation is free of charge – reserve your space now.

A joint event with


Harald Friedl, Board Member, Circular Economy Forum Austria


Bitte treffen Sie rechtzeitig ein. Wir starten pünktlich um 9:00 Uhr mit dem Programm.


True drivers of the circular economy – what we can learn from international best practices

Harald Friedl, Board Member, Circular Economy Forum Austria

Strategic impetus for planning and investment certainty

  • What are the framework conditions for the circular economy?
    Andreas Tschulik, Head of Operational Environmental Protection Department, Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
  • What is the benefit of the EU regulation on taxonomy for the circular economy?
    Karin Fuhrmann, Partner, TPA Austria
  • What benchmarks do standards such as the ISO 59000 series for sustainability assessment and for life cycle assessments set?
    Axel Dick, General Manager, Head of Business Development, Environment and Energy, ESG, Quality Austria
  • How are circular economy business models, circular supply chains and the reduction of waste & emissions reconciled?
    Raphael Schranz, Circular Economy Specialist, Circular Economy Consulting
  • Helping to shape standards – the scope of the newly planned working group on the circular economy
    Alena Rabitz, Committee Manager, Austrian Standards

Wir bereiten die Bühne für die nächsten Programmpunkte vor.

Innovative solutions along the value chain

  • Waste & recycling
    Tristan Tallafuss, Managing Director, BRV – Austrian Construction Materials Recycling Association
    Sabrina Seebacher, Team Leader for Sustainable Construction, Waste Management & the Environment, PORR Umwelttechnik GmbH
  • Structures & spatial planning
    Anna Hagen, Architect, nonconform zt gmbh
  • Bio-economy & consumption
    Michaela Theurl, Senior Expert – Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) & Environmental Footprinting (EF), Environment Agency Austria
  • Digitalisation & product passport
    Gert Breitfuss, Senior Researcher Data Driven Business, Know-Center GmbH
    Verena Halmschlager, Senior Project Manager, Verein Industrie 4.0 Österreich – die Plattform für intelligente Produktion
  • Business models & innovation
    Gregor Gluttig, Member of the Board, Circular Economy Forum Austria
  • Energy & raw materials
    Maria Wirth, Head of Water Solutions, alchemia-nova GmbH
  • Packaging & plastics
    Gerald Schneikart, Senior Researcher, FH Wien der WKW

Wie kann die Kreislaufwirtschaft ihre Kraft branchenübergreifend entfalten?

  • In welchen Branchen funktioniert Kooperation und Wettbewerb?
  • Welche Rahmenbedingungen braucht es für kooperative Geschäftsmodelle?
  • Wie können Standards die Co-opetition unterstützen?
  • Wie wirken Standards als Übersetzungshilfe zwischen den Branchen?
  • Cradle to Cradle, Lieferketten, Produktdesigns, Produktionsabläufe, Urban Mining: Wo liegt das größte Potenzial der Kreislaufwirtschaft?

Sophia Kratz, Textilien | Internationale Entwicklung, Circular Futures Plattform Kreislaufwirtschaft Österreich

Thomas Glanzer, Leitung Business Development & Nachhaltigkeit, ALUKÖNIGSTAHL GmbH

Dr. Julia Schmitt, Stellvertretende Institutsleiterin, Institute for Integrated Quality Design (IQD), Johannes Kepler Universität Linz

Rainer Pamminger, Senior Researcher, TU Wien


Wir laden Sie herzlichst zum Get-together mit Snacks und Erfrischungen ein.

Background information and notes

The event will take place in a hybrid format. Attend in person (Austrian Standards, Heinestrasse 38, 1020 Vienna) or follow the round table digitally via the live stream. The link to the live stream will be sent to all those who have registered to take part digitally a couple of days before the event.

Please note that this event takes place in German.

Photos and videos will be taken during the event. These photos and videos will be used for marketing and communication purposes.


Register for the Expert Talks 2024 free of charge.

Type of participation