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ÖVE/ÖNORM EN 62305-2
Issue date: 2013 06 01
Protection against lightning - Part 2: Risk management (IEC 62305-2:2010, modified) (english version)
This part of EN 62305 is applicable to risk assessment for a structure due to lightning flashes to
Its purpose is to provide a procedure for the evaluation of ...
Austrian Standards International
Digital | 176 Pages
This part of EN 62305 is applicable to risk assessment for a structure due to lightning flashes to
Its purpose is to provide a procedure for the evaluation of such a risk. Once an upper tolerable limit
for the risk has been selected, this procedure allows the selection of appropriate protection
measures to be adopted to reduce the risk to or below the tolerable limit.
ÖVE/ÖNORM EN 62305-2
2013 06 01
Protection against lightning - Part 2: Risk management (IEC 62305-2:2010, modified) (english version...
ÖVE/ÖNORM EN 62305-2
2010 02 01
Protection against lightning - Part 2: Risk management (IEC 62305-2:2006) (german version)
ÖVE/ÖNORM EN 62305-2
2010 02 01
Protection against lightning - Part 2: Risk management (IEC 62305-2:2006) (english version)
ÖVE/ÖNORM EN 62305-2
2008 01 01
Protection against lightning - Part 2: Risk management (IEC 62305-2:2006)
ÖVE/ÖNORM E 8049-1
2001 07 01
Protection of structures against lightning - Part 1: General principles
ÖVE E 49c/1987
1987 09 30
Nachtrag c zu den Bestimmungen über Blitzschutzanlagen - ÖVE-E 49/1973
Technische Regel
ÖVE E 49b/1982
1982 12 01
Nachtrag b zu den Bestimmungen über Blitzschutzanlagen - ÖVE-E 49/1973
Technische Regel
ÖVE E 49a/1976
1976 06 01
Nachtrag a zu den Vorschriften über Blitzschutzanlagen, ÖVE-E 49/1973
Technische Regel
ÖVE E 49/1973+E 49a/1976
Blitzschutzanlagen (einschließlich ÖVE E 49b/1982 und ÖVE E 49c/1987)
Technische Regel