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ÖNORM S 2122-1

Issue date: 2004 05 01

Soils from waste - Part 1: Fractional analysis - Methods of analysis

Diese ÖNORMEN-Serie ist für die Untersuchung der Eingangsstoffe, die Eingangskontrolle, die Prozesskontrolle, die Güteüberwachung, die Qualitätsanforderungen und die Anwe...
Withdrawn: 2013 08 01
Austrian Standards International
Digital | 10 Pages
Currently valid:
Diese ÖNORMEN-Serie ist für die Untersuchung der Eingangsstoffe, die Eingangskontrolle, die Prozesskontrolle, die Güteüberwachung, die Qualitätsanforderungen und die Anwendung von Erden aus Abfällen anzuwenden. Dies umfasst sowohl Mischungen von für die Herstellung von Erden geeigneten Stoffen als auch die in einem Vererdungsprozess hergestellten Erden. Der vorliegende Teil 1 dieser Normenserie ist bei der Untersuchung von Erden aus Abfällen (Endprodukt der Vererdung), deren Eingangsstoffen (zB auch Bodenaushub) und Zwischenprodukten des Vererdungsverfahrens anzuwenden.
ÖNORM S 2122-1
2013 08 01
Soils from waste - Part 1: Fractional analysis - Methods of analysis
ÖNORM S 2122-1
2004 05 01
Soils from waste - Part 1: Fractional analysis - Methods of analysis
ÖNORM B 2606-1
Issue date : 2009 07 15
Surfaces for sports areas - Part 1: Natural lawns
ÖNORM EN 13650
Issue date : 2002 01 01
Soil improvers and growing media - Extraction of aqua regia soluble elements
ÖNORM EN 13651
Issue date : 2002 01 01
Soil improvers and growing media - Extraction of calcium chloride/DTPA (CAT) soluble nutrients
ÖNORM EN 13657
Issue date : 2002 12 01
Characterization of waste - Digestion for subsequent determination of aqua regia soluble portion of elements
ÖNORM L 1061-1
Issue date : 2002 02 01
Physical analysis of soils - Determination of particle size distribution in mineral soils - Part 1: Coarse soil
ÖNORM L 1061-2
Issue date : 2002 02 01
Physical analysis of soils - Determination of particle size distribution in mineral soils - Part 2: Fine soil
ÖNORM L 1062
Issue date : 2003 01 01
Physical analysis of soils - Determination of gravimetric and volumetric water content
ÖNORM L 1080
Issue date : 2013 03 15
Chemical analyses of soils - Determination of organic carbon by dry combustion with and without consideration of carbonates
ÖNORM L 1081
Issue date : 2010 03 01
Chemical analyses of soils - Determination of organic carbon by wet oxidation
ÖNORM L 1084
Issue date : 2006 04 01
Chemical analyses of soils - Determination of carbonate
ÖNORM L 1086-1
Issue date : 2001 07 01
Chemical analyses of soils - Determination of exchangeable cations and of effective cation exchange capacity (CECeff) by extraction with bariumchloride solution
ÖNORM L 1092
Issue date : 2013 08 01
Chemical analysis of soils - Methods for the extraction of water soluble elements and compounds
ÖNORM S 2122-1
Issue date : 2013 08 01
Soils from waste - Part 1: Fractional analysis - Methods of analysis
ÖNORM B 2606-1
Issue date : 2021 07 01
Surfaces for sports areas - Part 1: Natural grass pitch
ÖNORM EN 13650
Issue date : 2002 01 01
Soil improvers and growing media - Extraction of aqua regia soluble elements
ÖNORM EN 13651
Issue date : 2002 01 01
Soil improvers and growing media - Extraction of calcium chloride/DTPA (CAT) soluble nutrients
ÖNORM EN 13657
Issue date : 2002 12 01
Characterization of waste - Digestion for subsequent determination of aqua regia soluble portion of elements
ÖNORM L 1061-1
Issue date : 2019 03 01
Physical analysis of soils - Determination of particle size distribution in mineral soils used for agriculture and forestry - Part 1: Coarse soil
ÖNORM L 1061-2
Issue date : 2019 03 01
Physical analysis of soils - Determination of particle size distribution in mineral soils used for agriculture and forestry - Part 2: Fine soil
ÖNORM L 1062
Issue date : 2003 01 01
Physical analysis of soils - Determination of gravimetric and volumetric water content
ÖNORM L 1080
Issue date : 2021 12 15
Soil and waste properties - Determination of organic carbon and humus content by dry combustion taking into account carbonates and elemental carbon
ÖNORM L 1081
Issue date : 2010 03 01
Chemical analyses of soils - Determination of organic carbon by wet oxidation
ÖNORM L 1082
Issue date : 2009 03 01
Chemical analyses of soils - Determination of nitrogen according to Kjeldahl
ÖNORM L 1083
Issue date : 2006 04 01
Chemical analyses of soils - Determination of acidity (pH value)
ÖNORM L 1084
Issue date : 2016 07 01
Chemical analyses of soils - Determination of carbonate taking into account air pressure and temperature
ÖNORM L 1086-1
Issue date : 2014 03 15
Chemical analyses of soils - Extraction of the effective exchangeable cations Ca++, K+, Mg++, Na+ and Al+++, Fe+++, Mn++ and H+ by bariumchloride solution and determination of the exchange capacity
ÖNORM L 1092
Issue date : 2013 08 01
Chemical analysis of soils - Methods for the extraction of water soluble elements and compounds
ÖNORM L 1095
Issue date : 2002 04 01
Chemical analyses of soils - Determination of total nitrogen by dry combustion
ÖNORM S 2122-1
Issue date : 2013 08 01
Soils from waste - Part 1: Fractional analysis - Methods of analysis
ÖNORM S 2122-1
Issue date : 2013 08 01
Soils from waste - Part 1: Fractional analysis - Methods of analysis