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Diese ÖNORM enthält Verfahrens- und Vertragsbestimmungen für die Herstellung von Niederdruck-Gasanlagen und Flüssiggas-Anlagen sowie für deren Abgasführung vom Gasgerät bis zur Einmündung in den Abgasfang oder Abgassammler, von Wasserleitungsanlagen und von Entwässerungsanlagen. Sie ist anzuwenden für Leitungen im Inneren von Bauwerken sowie außerhalb dieser bis zur objektbezogenen Übergabestelle. Der Abschnitt 5 enthält die Vertragsbestimmungen für die Herstellung von Gas-, Wasserleitungs- und Entwässerungs-anlagen. Diese Vertragsbestimmungen regeln gemeinsam mit der ÖNORM B 2110 oder der ÖNORM B 2117 die Rechte und Pflichten der Auftraggeber und Auftragnehmer. Abschnitt 5 ist dazu bestimmt, Vertragsbestandteil zu werden. Der Abschnitt 4 enthält als Ergänzung zu ÖNORM A 2050 oder zu ÖNORM A 2051 sowie zu ÖNORM B 2110 oder zu ÖNORM B 2117 insbesondere Hinweise für die Ausschreibung und für die Erstellung von Angeboten. Abschnitt 4 ist nicht dazu bestimmt, Vertragsbestandteil zu werden. Im Sinne der ÖNORM A 2050 oder der ÖNORM A 2051 sind die Bestimmungen dieser ÖNORM jeweils bereits bei den Ausschreibungen und den Angeboten zu berücksichtigen.
ÖNORM H 2201
2018 11 15
Services of sanitary, heating, ventilation and cooling technologies - Contract to provide services
ÖNORM H 2201
2014 08 01
Services of sanitary, heating, ventilation and cooling technics - Contract to provide services
ÖNORM H 2201
2010 05 15
Works of sanitary, heating, ventilation and cooling - Works contract
ÖNORM H 2202
2002 07 01
Gas-, water- and sewage systems installations - Works contract
ÖNORM H 2202
1994 06 01
Gas-, water- and sewage installations - Works contract
ÖNORM B 2226
1976 01 01
Gas-, water- and soil stack installations; contracts for material and labour
ÖNORM B 2226-1
1968 09 01
Bauwesen-Hochbau; Vertragsnorm; Wasser- und Niederdruckgasinstallationen
ÖNORM B 2226-2
1968 09 01
Bauwesen-Hochbau; Verfahrensnorm;Wasser- und Niederdruckgasinstallationen; Ausschreibung
ÖNORM B 2226-1
1965 12 01
Bauwesen-Hochbau; Vertragsnorm; Wasser- und Niederdruckgasinstallationen;
ÖNORM A 2050
Issue date : 2006 11 01
Procurement of works, services and supplies - Notices, tenders and award of contract - Procedural standard
ÖNORM A 6403
Issue date : 2010 01 15
Rounding of numbers and results of measurements
ÖNORM B 2061
Issue date : 1999 09 01
Determination of price in building and construction - General principles
ÖNORM B 2110
Issue date : 2009 01 01
General conditions of contract for works of building and civil engineering construction - Works contract
ÖNORM B 2111
Issue date : 2007 05 01
Conversion of variable prices of construction works - Works contract
ÖNORM B 2501
Issue date : 2009 09 01
Sewer systems for buildings - Design, construction and testing - Supplementary guidelines to ÖNORM EN 12050 and ÖNORM EN 12056
ÖNORM B 2531-1
Issue date : 2004 03 01
Drinking water supply systems on premises - Part 1: Rules for design, construction and operation
ÖNORM C 1301
Issue date : 2001 05 01
Liquefied petroleum gases for burning purposes - Propane, propene, butane, butene and their mixtures - Requirements and test methods
ÖNORM H 2210
Issue date : 2000 04 01
General contract conditions for planning and monitoring of technical equipment in buildings - Works contract
ÖNORM A 2050
Issue date : 2006 11 01
Procurement of works, services and supplies - Notices, tenders and award of contract - Procedural standard
ÖNORM A 2051
Issue date : 2005 05 01
Procurement of works in the water, energy and transport sectors as well as for postal services - Notices, tenders and award of contract - Procedural standard
ÖNORM A 6403
Issue date : 2022 07 01
Rounding of numbers and results of measurements
ÖNORM B 2061
Issue date : 2020 05 01
Determination of price in building and construction - General principles
ÖNORM B 2062
Issue date : 1996 09 01
Drafting (and layout) of standardized specifications for delivery (of material and labour) based on automatic data processing techniques - Process standard
ÖNORM B 2063
Issue date : 1996 09 01
Open tendering, offer and works contract based on automatic data processing techniques - Process standard
ÖNORM B 2110
Issue date : 2023 05 01
General conditions of contract for works of building and civil engineering construction - Contract to provide services
ÖNORM B 2111
Issue date : 2007 05 01
Conversion of variable prices of construction works - Works contract
ÖNORM B 2114
Issue date : 1996 09 01
Conditions for computer aided calculations of quantities and certificates for building and civil engineering construction - Works contract
ÖNORM B 2117
Issue date : 2002 04 01
General terms of contract for the execution of construction works on roads as well as for the connected landscape-engineering - Works contract
ÖNORM B 2501
Issue date : 2016 08 01
Drainage systems for buildings and sites - Design, construction and testing - Supplementary guidelines to ÖNORM EN 12056 and ÖNORM EN 752
ÖNORM B 2531-1
Issue date : 2004 03 01
Drinking water supply systems on premises - Part 1: Rules for design, construction and operation
ÖNORM C 1301
Issue date : 2019 11 15
Liquefied petroleum gases for burning purposes - Propane, propene, butane, butene and their mixtures - Requirements and test methods
ÖNORM H 2210
Issue date : 2011 10 01
General contract conditions for planning and monitoring of technical equipment in buildings - Contract to provide services
ÖNORM H 2201
Issue date : 2010 05 15
Works of sanitary, heating, ventilation and cooling - Works contract