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ÖNORM EN 15826
Issue date: 2010 05 01
Vitreous and porcelain enamels - Terminology
This European Standard defines a number of terms relating to vitreous and porcelain enamels and their
technology. This list is not complete and only comprises those term...
Withdrawn: 2017 07 15
Austrian Standards International
Digital | 32 Pages
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Mechanical & plant engineering, Machine tools. Machine tool components, Manufacturing engineering (Vocabularies)
Mechanical & plant engineering, Industrial automation systems, Manufacturing engineering (Vocabularies)
Construction products, Surface treatment, Enamels
Chemistry, paper & textiles, Surface treatment, Enamels
Mechanical engineering foundations & materials, Surface treatment, Enamels
Services & management, Information sciences. Publishing. Terminology, Manufacturing engineering (Vocabularies)
This European Standard defines a number of terms relating to vitreous and porcelain enamels and their
technology. This list is not complete and only comprises those terms for which the definition is considered
necessary for correct and adequate understanding in order to clarify these processes.
It should be understood that the interpretations given are those corresponding to the practical usage in this
field and that they do not necessarily coincide with those used in other fields.
For purposes of clarification, the term Vitreous Enamel, used throughout this European Standard, is
synonymous with Porcelain Enamel, the term favoured in the United States and some other countries.
ÖNORM EN ISO 19496-1
2017 07 15
Vitreous and porcelain enamels - Terminology - Part 1: Terms and definitions (ISO 19496-1:2017)
Issue date :
2017 07 15
Vitreous and porcelain enamels - Terminology - Part 1: Terms and definitions (ISO 19496-1:2017)