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ÖNORM EN 15346
Issue date: 2008 02 01
Plastics - Recycled plastics - Characterisation of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) recyclates
Diese Europäische Norm beschreibt ein Verfahren zur Festlegung der Lieferbedingungen von Polyvinylchlorid (PVC)Rezyklaten. Die Norm führt die wichtigsten Eigenschaften un...
Withdrawn: 2014 12 15
Austrian Standards International
Digital | 26 Pages
| English
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Currently valid:
Optionally co-design standards:
Diese Europäische Norm beschreibt ein Verfahren zur Festlegung der Lieferbedingungen von Polyvinylchlorid (PVC)Rezyklaten. Die Norm führt die wichtigsten Eigenschaften und die dazugehörigen Prüfverfahren für die Bewertung von Polyvinylchlorid-Rezyklaten an, die für die Produktion von Halbzeugen/Fertigprodukten vorgesehen sind. Sie ist zur Unterstützung von (Vertrags)Partnern vorgesehen, die sich mit dem Einsatz von Polyvinylchlorid-Rezyklat befassen, um sich auf Spezifikationen für bestimmte oder allgemeine Anwendungen zu einigen. Die vorliegende Norm befasst sich nicht mit der Charakterisierung von Kunststoffabfällen. Siehe prEN 15357.
ÖNORM EN 15346
2014 12 15
Plastics - Recycled plastics - Characterization of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) recyclates
ÖNORM EN 15346
2008 02 01
Plastics - Recycled plastics - Characterisation of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) recyclates
Issue date :
1990 12 06
Plastics — Determination of the tendency of compounds and products based on vinyl chloride homopolymers and copolymers to evolve hydrogen chloride and any other acidic products at elevated temperatures — Part 1: Congo red method
Issue date :
1990 12 13
Plastics — Determination of the tendency of compounds and products based on vinyl chloride homopolymers and copolymers to evolve hydrogen chloride and any other acidic products at elevated temperatures — Part 2: pH method
Issue date :
1993 03 25
Plastics — Determination of the tendency of compounds and products based on vinyl chloride homopolymers and copolymers to evolve hydrogen chloride and any other acidic products at elevated temperatures — Part 3: Conductometric method
Issue date :
1993 03 25
Plastics — Determination of the tendency of compounds and products based on vinyl chloride homopolymers and copolymers to evolve hydrogen chloride and any other acidic products at elevated temperatures — Part 4: Potentiometric method
Issue date :
1990 07 12
Test sieves — Metal wire cloth, perforated metal plate and electroformed sheet — Nominal sizes of openings
Issue date :
2006 10 26
Plastics — Homopolymer and copolymer resins of vinyl chloride — Determination of volatile matter (including water)
Technische Regel
Issue date :
2007 02
Plastics - Recycled plastics - Guidelines for the development of standards for recycled plastics
Issue date :
2012 05 15
Plastics - Determination of tensile properties - Part 1: General principles (ISO 527-1:2012)
Issue date :
2012 05 15
Plastics - Determination of tensile properties - Part 2: Test conditions for moulding and extrusion plastics (ISO 527-2:2012)
Issue date :
2002 11 01
Plastics - Determination of ash - Part 5: Poly(vinyl chloride) (ISO 3451-5:2002)
Issue date :
1997 10 01
Plastics piping systems - Polyethylene piping materials and components - Determination of volatile content
Issue date :
2003 09 01
Plastics and ebonite - Determination of indentation hardness by means of a durometer (Shore hardness) (ISO 868:2003)
Issue date :
1998 10 01
Plastics - Determination of pourability (ISO 6186:1998)
Issue date :
2013 07 01
Plastics - Vocabulary (ISO 472:2013) (multilingual Version: en/fr/de)
Issue date :
2012 02 15
Plastics - Symbols and abbreviated terms - Part 1: Basic polymers and their special characteristics (ISO 1043-1:2011)
Issue date :
2013 04 01
Plastics - Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics - Part 1: Immersion method, liquid pyknometer method and titration method (ISO 1183-1:2012)
Issue date :
2014 03 01
Plastics - Thermoplastic materials - Determination of Vicat softening temperature (VST) (ISO 306:2013)
Issue date :
1990 12 06
Plastics — Determination of the tendency of compounds and products based on vinyl chloride homopolymers and copolymers to evolve hydrogen chloride and any other acidic products at elevated temperatures — Part 1: Congo red method
Issue date :
1990 12 13
Plastics — Determination of the tendency of compounds and products based on vinyl chloride homopolymers and copolymers to evolve hydrogen chloride and any other acidic products at elevated temperatures — Part 2: pH method
Issue date :
1993 03 25
Plastics — Determination of the tendency of compounds and products based on vinyl chloride homopolymers and copolymers to evolve hydrogen chloride and any other acidic products at elevated temperatures — Part 3: Conductometric method
Issue date :
1993 03 25
Plastics — Determination of the tendency of compounds and products based on vinyl chloride homopolymers and copolymers to evolve hydrogen chloride and any other acidic products at elevated temperatures — Part 4: Potentiometric method
Issue date :
1990 07 12
Test sieves — Metal wire cloth, perforated metal plate and electroformed sheet — Nominal sizes of openings
Issue date :
2006 10 26
Plastics — Homopolymer and copolymer resins of vinyl chloride — Determination of volatile matter (including water)
Technische Regel
Issue date :
2007 02
Plastics - Recycled plastics - Guidelines for the development of standards for recycled plastics
Issue date :
2014 12 15
Plastics - Recycled plastics - Characterization of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) recyclates