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ÖNORM EN 13432
Issue date: 2005 10 01
Packaging - Requirements for packaging recoverable through composting and biodegradation - Test scheme and evaluation criteria for the final acceptance of packaging (consolidated version)
This European Standard specifies requirements and procedures to determine the compostability and anaerobic
treatability of packaging and packaging materials by addressin...
Withdrawn: 2008 02 01
§ Legal References
Austrian Standards International
Digital | 25 Pages
| English
Currently valid:
Optionally co-design standards:
This European Standard specifies requirements and procedures to determine the compostability and anaerobic
treatability of packaging and packaging materials by addressing four characteristics:
1) biodegradability,
2) disintegration during biological treatment,
3) effect on the biological treatment process and
4) effect on the quality of the resulting compost.
In case of a packaging formed by different components, some of which are compostable and some other not, the
packaging itself, as a whole is not compostable. However, if the components can be easily separated by hand
before disposal, the compostable components can be effectively considered and treated as such, once separated
from the non compostable components.
This European Standard covers the compostability of packaging itself but does not address regulations that may
exist regarding the compostability of any residual contents.
This European Standard makes provision for obtaining information on the processing of packaging in controlled
waste treatment plants but does not take into account packaging waste which may end up in the environment,
through uncontrolled means, i.e. as litter.
The essential relationship between this European Standard and the four other (mandated) European Packaging
Standards and one (mandated) CEN Report is specified in EN 13427:2000.
ÖNORM EN 13432
2008 02 01
Packaging - Requirements for packaging recoverable through composting and biodegradation - Test sche...
ÖNORM EN 13432
2005 10 01
Packaging - Requirements for packaging recoverable through composting and biodegradation - Test sche...
ÖNORM EN 13432
2000 12 01
Packaging - Requirements for packaging recoverable through composting and biodegradation - Test sche...
Issue date :
2004 09 01
Packaging - Requirements for the use of European Standards in the field of packaging and packaging waste
Issue date :
1999 05 20
Determination of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability of plastic materials in an aqueous medium — Method by measuring the oxygen demand in a closed respirometer (Corrected version 2003-07)
Issue date :
1999 05 20
Determination of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability of plastic materials in an aqueous medium — Method by analysis of evolved carbon dioxide
Issue date :
1999 05 20
Determination of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability and disintegration of plastic materials under controlled composting conditions — Method by analysis of evolved carbon dioxide
Issue date :
2008 02 01
Packaging - Requirements for packaging recoverable through composting and biodegradation - Test scheme and evaluation criteria for the final acceptance of packaging (consolidated version)
Bekanntmachung des Bundesministers für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft über die Veröffentlichung der Bezugsnummern der Normen im Rahmen der Umsetzung der Richtlinie 94