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ÖNORM B 6123

Issue date: 1988 12 01

Final coat for outer wall thermal insulation systems with adhesion power fabricated of polystyrene particle foam and thin-wall plaster; marking of conformity

Die Norm ist für Deckschichten anzuwenden, die dazu bestimmtsind, gemeinsam mit Polystyrol-Partikelschaumstoff der Pro- duktart EPS-F gemäß ÖNORM B 6050 und Klebern gemäß...
Withdrawn: 1998 11 01
Die Norm ist für Deckschichten anzuwenden, die dazu bestimmtsind, gemeinsam mit Polystyrol-Partikelschaumstoff der Pro- duktart EPS-F gemäß ÖNORM B 6050 und Klebern gemäß ÖNORM B 6121 Bestandteil von Außenwand-Wärmedämmverbundsystemen gemäß ÖNORM B 6110 zu sein; sie enthält die für die Güteprü-fung und Gütesicherung notwendigen Anforderungen und Prüfbe-stimmungen. Die Deckschichte besteht aus einer Armierungs- schichte, das heißt einer ausgehärteten Spachtelmasse mit eingebettetem Textilglasgitter gemäß ÖNORM B 6122, einer Grundierung sowie einem kunstharzgebundenen oder mineralischgebundenen, kunstharzvergüteten Dünnputz. Die Norm sieht eine Fremdüberwachung aufgrund eines Überwachungsvertrages mit einer österreichischen staatlich autorisierten Prüfan- stalt sowie die Kennzeichnung "ÖNORM B 6123 geprüft" vor.
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2023 06 15
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2021 03 01
Thermal insulation products for building applications - Determination of the resistance to impact of...
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2020 03 01
External thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS) - Part 2: Products, tests and requirements
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2019 11 15
Thermal insulation products for building applications - Determination of the pull-off resistance of ...
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2019 11 15
Thermal insulation products for building applications - Determination of the tensile bond strength o...
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2019 03 15
Textile glass fibre mesh for rendering and plastering mortar
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2018 10 15
Thermal insulation products for building applications - Determination of the resistance to impact of...
ÖNORM B 6400-3
2017 09 01
External thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS) - Part 3: Minimum requirements for the use
ÖNORM B 6400-2
2017 09 01
External thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS) - Part 2: Products, tests and requirements
ÖNORM B 6400-1
2017 09 01
External thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS) - Part 1: Planning and processing
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2013 11 15
Thermal insulation products for building applications - Determination of the mechanical properties o...
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2011 09 01
External thermal insulation composite systems (ETICS) - Planning
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2007 07 01
External thermal insulation composite systems - Products and requirements
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2004 09 01
Textile glass fibre mesh for rendering and plastering mortar
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2003 03 01
Thermal insulation products for building applications - Determination of the mechanical properties o...
ÖNORM EN 13495
2003 03 01
Thermal insulation products for building applications - Determination of the pull-off resistance of ...
ÖNORM EN 13494
2003 03 01
Thermal insulation products for building applications - Determination of the tensile bond strength o...
ÖNORM EN 13498
2003 03 01
Thermal insulation products for building applications - Determination of the resistance to penetrati...
ÖNORM EN 13497
2003 03 01
Thermal insulation products for building applications - Determination of the resistance to impact of...
ÖNORM B 6100
1998 10 01
External thermal insulating composite systems with rendering - Test procedures for first and third p...
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1998 10 01
External thermal insulating composite systems (ETICS) with rendering based on expanded polystyrene f...
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1998 10 01
External thermal insulating composite systems based on mineral wool insulation boards MW-PT and fina...
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1998 10 01
Adhesive for external thermal insulating composite systems (ETICS) - Marking of conformity
ÖNORM B 6122
1998 10 01
Textile glass fibre mesh for external thermal insulating composite systems (ETICS) - Marking of conf...
ÖNORM B 6123
1988 12 01
Final coat for outer wall thermal insulation systems with adhesion power fabricated of polystyrene p...
DIN 5033-1
Issue date : 2008 02
Colorimetry - Part 1: Basic concepts
ÖNORM B 6050
Issue date : 2003 07 01
Materials for thermal and/or acoustic insulation in building construction - Expanded polystyrene particle foam EPS
ÖNORM B 6050
Issue date : 2003 07 01
Materials for thermal and/or acoustic insulation in building construction - Expanded polystyrene particle foam EPS
ÖNORM B 6110
Issue date : 1998 10 01
External thermal insulating composite systems (ETICS) with rendering based on expanded polystyrene foam EPS-F - Marking of conformity
ÖNORM B 6121
Issue date : 1998 10 01
Adhesive for external thermal insulating composite systems (ETICS) - Marking of conformity
ÖNORM B 6122
Issue date : 1998 10 01
Textile glass fibre mesh for external thermal insulating composite systems (ETICS) - Marking of conformity
ÖNORM M 7610
Issue date : 1977 05 01
Standard atmospheres for conditioning and/or testing of materials, structural components and equipment
DIN 5033-1
Issue date : 2017 10
Colorimetry - Part 1: Basic terms of colorimetry
DIN 5033-7
Issue date : 2014 10
Colorimetry - Part 7: Measuring conditions for object colours
DIN 5033-9
Issue date : 2018 04
Colorimetry - Part 9: Reflectance standard for calibration in colorimetry and photometry
ÖNORM B 6100
Issue date : 1998 10 01
External thermal insulating composite systems with rendering - Test procedures for first and third party control
ÖNORM B 6121
Issue date : 1998 10 01
Adhesive for external thermal insulating composite systems (ETICS) - Marking of conformity
ÖNORM B 6122
Issue date : 1998 10 01
Textile glass fibre mesh for external thermal insulating composite systems (ETICS) - Marking of conformity
ÖNORM B 6135
Issue date : 1998 10 01
External thermal insulating composite systems based on mineral wool insulation boards MW-PT and final coat - Marking of conformity
ÖNORM B 6110
Issue date : 1998 10 01
External thermal insulating composite systems (ETICS) with rendering based on expanded polystyrene foam EPS-F - Marking of conformity