ISO 9327-2:1999
Issue date: 1999 07 08
Steel forgings and rolled or forged bars for pressure purposes — Technical delivery conditions — Part 2: Non-alloy and alloy (Mo, Cr and CrMo) steels with specified elevated temperature properties
1.1 This part of ISO 9327 applies to forgings and rolled or forged bars in thicknesses up to 250 mm (partly up to
500 mm) manufactured from the steels listed in Table 1 and to be delivered according to the specifications given in
ISO 9327-1.
1.2 This part of ISO 9327 covers the following data:
a) in Table 1 the limits for
the chemical composition according to the cast analysis;
the tensile properties at room temperature;
the impact properties;
the indications on the usual heat treatment condition at the time of delivery;
b) in Table 2 the permissible product analysis tolerances on the limiting values given for the cast analysis;
c) in Table 3 the minimum elevated temperature proof strength values (see C.4 of ISO 9327-1:1998);
d) in Table 4 the estimated average stress rupture properties;
e) in Table 5 the estimated average strength values for 1 % plastic strain.