ÖNORM ISO 9613-2
ÖNORM ISO 9613-2:2008-07-01 "Akustik - Dämpfung des Schalls bei der Ausbreitung im Freien - Teil 2: Allgemeines Berechnungsverfahren (ISO 9613-2:1996)" (Acoustics - Attenuation of sound propagating in open air - Part 2: General calculation method (ISO 9613-2:1996)) was declared binding in the Federal Road Noise Immission Control Ordinance (BStLärmIV), BGBl. II No. 215/2014.
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ÖNORM ISO 9613-2:2008-07-01 is protected by copyright. The purchaser is permitted to use this text exclusively for their own internal purposes at a single workstation. Use of the text for the purchaser's own internal purposes within the purchaser's internal network is not permitted. In particular, it is not permitted to pass on the text in whole or in part, on electronic data carriers, by means of remote data transmission, as paper copies or by other media, or to grant third parties access to the stored text or to feed the text into a local retrieval system/intranet.