Supplements to ÖNORM A 6241-1

This page provides additional documents relating to ÖNORM A 6241-1. CAD data structure and building information modelling (BIM) - Level 2) was published on 1 July 2015 and replaces ÖNORM A 6240-4.

This ÖNORM regulates the technical implementation of the exchange and management of building information data for buildings and from related constructions for spatial partitioning in civil engineering, including the alphanumeric data contained in these building models.

This ÖNORM standard sets out the most important terms, structures and principles of presentation for the basic data transfer techniques used for two-dimensional CAD files as well as for building information modelling (BIM).

Download Annex H

The template files and digital documentation are listed in the following.

Layers index

The layers index contains a complete list with the layer structure and associated layers and consists of the below files.

Blocks index

The blocks index contains a list with standard blocks and their attributes and consists of the below files.

Attributes index

The attributes index contains a complete list of the attributes and consists of the below files.

Coding index

The coding index contains complete coding tables from Annex E and consists of the below files.

Template files

If you are using Internet Explorer, please right-click on the file and select "Save target as" to download the file.

The complete list of template files consists of:

Amendment to version 2015-07-01
  • BS_BM_AUSLOESESTELLE: Mirror image of symbol used
  • BS_BE_ELEKTROVERTEILER: Outside line has been made thicker
  • BS_LV_HYDRANT-UNTERFLUR: Mirror image of symbol used (text is still on the same side)
  • The background fill was removed and "Cover drawing object" inserted for all symbols with white background fill and text, such as the fire-resistance classes. Result unchanged but editing process simplified.

If you are using Internet Explorer, please right-click on the file and select "Save target as" to download the file.

Additional template files for building technology

As of 15 August 2023, we are offering additional template files for building technology (heating, ventilation, air conditioning, sanitary and electrical systems) that can be used to prepare management and installation plans and as-built plans (floor plans and diagrams) in addition to the existing template files (prototype drawings) from ÖNORM A 6241-1:2015-07-01. These template files are not included in the content of ÖNORM A 6241-1:2015-07-01 as of yet but have been quality checked by the relevant standards committee and made available for potential use. We plan to take these template files into consideration in a new edition of ÖNORM A 6241-1 in future.

If you are using Internet Explorer, please right-click on the file and select "Save target as" to download the file.

Print settings for dwg and dxf formats (ctb files)

If you are using Internet Explorer, please right-click on the file and select "Save target as" to download the file.

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