Architect using a pocket calculator.

Calculation forms

Information on ÖNORM B 2061 and handy templates for calculation forms as a free download.

1. What does ÖNORM B 2061 regulate?

The ÖNORM B 2061 standard regulates the process for calculating prices for building services (in accordance with ÖNORM B 2110 or ÖNORM B 2118) as the basis for your quote. It:

  • provides information on how to structure the calculation
  • regulates the manner in which pricing is to be presented using calculation forms
  • also provides the basis for reviewing whether prices are appropriate in the context of ÖNORM A 2050 or BVergG 2018 (Public Procurement Act).

The current version of the ÖNORM B 2061 standard was published on 1 May 2020.

2. What are calculation forms?

When vetting quoted prices as part of tenders, many clients require that (parts) of the price calculation be submitted; calculation forms are to be used for this purpose. Article 134 of BVergG 2018 states that only individuals who possess the relevant professional qualifications are to be tasked with the review and evaluation of a quote. Impartial experts who are independent of those submitting the tenders are to be consulted where necessary. Vetting tenders in greater depth in accordance with Article 137 BVergG 2018 consists of evaluating whether the tenders are reasonable and transparent from a commercial perspective. The calculations set out in the calculation forms provide the basis for this process.

Asserting claims for additional costs
When asserting claims for additional costs based on deviations from agreed terms when carrying out building work (in accordance with ÖNORM B 2110 or ÖNORM B 2118), the new prices are to be determined by referring to the contractual price basis and – where possible – based on properly calculated price components (pricing bases of the quote) as well as statements of quantities and services for comparable items in the contract. The calculation forms disclose the basis for the prices in the contract.

Templates for the calculation forms

Calculation forms K2 to K7 can be found in (normative) Annex A to ÖNORM B 2061.
The calculation forms for ÖNORM B 2061 are available in PDF format for filling in "by hand".

Downloads (German only)

K2 Gesamtzuschläge
pdf111.41 KB
pdf149.93 KB
pdf138.75 KB
pdf96.44 KB
pdf143.35 KB
pdf100.81 KB

To help you recalculate variable prices for building services in accordance with ÖNORM B 2111, the (normative) Annex A to this standard contains additional calculation forms:

  • K 8 Market basket – Setting prices
  • K 8 A Market basket – Recalculating prices

Relevant standards

ÖNORM B 2061

Preisermittlung für Bauleistungen - Verfahrensnorm (Determination of price in building and construction - General principles)

ÖNORM A 2063-1

Austausch von Daten in elektronischer Form für die Phasen Ausschreibung, Vergabe und Abrechnung (AVA) - Teil 1: Austausch von Leistungsbeschreibungs-, Ausschreibungs-, Angebots-, Auftrags- und Abrechnungsdaten (Exchange of data in electronic form for the tendering, awarding and billing phases - Part 1: Exchange of data concerning service description, tender, offer, works contract and final settlement)

ÖNORM A 2063-2

Austausch von Daten in elektronischer Form für die Phasen Ausschreibung, Vergabe und Abrechnung (AVA) - Teil 2: Berücksichtigung der Planungsmethode Building Information Modeling (BIM) Level 3 (Exchange of data in electronic form for the tendering, awarding and billing phases - Part 2: Consideration of the planning method building information modelling (BIM) Level 3)

ÖNORM A 2050

Vergabe von Aufträgen über Leistungen - Ausschreibung, Angebot, Zuschlag – Verfahrensnorm (Procurement of works, services and supplies - Notices, tenders and award of contract - Process standard)

ÖNORM B 2110

Allgemeine Vertragsbestimmungen für Bauleistungen – Werkvertragsnorm (General conditions of contract for works of building and civil engineering construction - Contract to provide services)

ÖNORM B 2111

Umrechnung veränderlicher Preise von Bauleistungen – Werkvertragsnorm (Conversion of variable prices of construction works - Works contract)

ÖNORM B 2118

Allgemeine Vertragsbestimmungen für Bauleistungen unter Anwendung des Partnerschaftsmodells, insbesondere bei Großprojekten – Werkvertragsnorm (General conditions of contract for works of building and civil engineering construction with partnership model, particularly for the execution of major construction - Contract to provide services)

Related products

Calculation form programme in accordance with ÖNORM B 2061

Software from M.E.H. & Partner

ÖNORM B 2061:2020 05 01 – The current standard for building calculations


Calculation form master data

Choice of three master data records for calculation programme according to ÖNORM B 2061 (2020)

Further information

  • Current collective agreements are available from your professional association and on the Federal Economic Chamber website.
  • The main calculation data for calculating personnel costs (PDF – 0.5mb, German only) as per the respective collective agreement has been compiled by Christian Lang.
  • Sample calculations for additional personnel costs with the option for individual adjustment are provided by Professor Andreas Kropik.
  • The calculation of average wage prices for the building and construction industry is set out in the exercise and training booklet (2022 edition with references to ÖNORM B 2061:2020; PDF; German only) from the Federal Economic Chamber – Construction Agency written by Professor Andreas Kropik. Current editions can be found on the Construction Agency website.
  • A K3 form calculation tool (calculation of personnel costs; calculation of average wage prices; K3 form and prices for day work wages), which can be used for all trades because the particularities of the individual collective agreements can be taken into account, is provided by Professor Andreas Kropik.
  • The Construction Agency website (WKO) also includes the brochure "Von der Kostenrechnung zu den Werten im K2-Blatt und K3-Blatt" (PDF, German only).
  • Professor Andreas Kropik authored the book "Baukalkulation, Kostenrechnung und ÖNORM B 2061" regarding the calculation of costs and building services, also taking into account ÖNORM B 2061:2020.
  • The correlation between the calculation forms and their preparation in accordance with ÖNORM B 2061:2020 are described in the book "Praktische Baukalkulation" by Wolkerstorfer and Lang.
  • The provisions of ÖNORM A 2063 are to be observed in the case of price calculations carried out with the aid of automated systems. The calculation forms can also be handed over in the form of computer printouts, provided the information contained therein has the same structure and content – the printouts must also allow for manual checks.