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ISO 10156:1996

Ausgabedatum: 1996 02 08

Gases and gas mixtures — Determination of fire potential and oxidizing ability for the selection of cylinder valve outlets

Specifies two methods for determining whether or not a gas is flammable in air and whether a gas is more or less oxidizing than air. Replaces the first edition.
§ Im Gesetz zitiert

Specifies two methods for determining whether or not a gas is flammable in air and whether a gas is more or less oxidizing than air. Replaces the first edition.

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ISO 10156:2010
2010 03 29
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ISO 10156:2010
2010 03 29
Gases and gas mixtures — Determination of fire potential and oxidizing ability for the selection of ...
ISO 10156-2:2005
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ISO 10156:1996
1996 02 08
Gases and gas mixtures — Determination of fire potential and oxidizing ability for the selection of ...
ISO 10156:1990
1990 12 20
Gases and gas mixtures — Determination of fire potential and oxidizing ability for the selection of ...
Historie aufklappen
ISO 10156-2:2005
Ausgabedatum : 2005 08 26
Gas cylinders — Gases and gas mixtures — Part 2: Determination of oxidizing ability of toxic and corrosive gases and gas mixtures
ISO 10156:2010
Ausgabedatum : 2010 03 29
Gases and gas mixtures — Determination of fire potential and oxidizing ability for the selection of cylinder valve outlets
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Verordnung des Bundesministers für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie über die Beförderung gefährlicher Güter auf Wasserstraßen (ADN-Verordnung)
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